

When your business regularly generates thousands of documents across several sectors in multiple languages for distribution in different countries the management of these documents can be a time-consuming and inefficient process. To address these concerns, dataActive™ technology developed re:view - a sleek new approach to online file management.

Drawing on our years of experience servicing the post-production requirements of demanding clients, re:view offers a complete suite of web-based tools for tracking documents through production and controlling their release to consumers. Sophisticated filtering and sorting options allow users to quickly locate and manage large numbers of unique documents.

re:view offers concurrent version control tools for managing the approval and release of documents through multiple revisions. All instances of a document are archived with the ability to rollback to a previous edition at any time. The visibility of documents to different users can be restricted in order to control the release of a document to different business areas.

Users and groups are represented using a tree-based hierarchical domain system. This provides a powerful mechanism for managing multiple production workflows within a single business as the user access model can be made to mimic the internal organisation of the business. The higher up the tree a user is situated, the more of the business's workflow they can view and influence.

Almost all features and services in re:view can be configured by simply checking or unchecking a checkbox. The access control system is tied directly into the user and group hierarchy allowing group-wide or localised changes to be effected with equal ease. For example, if you need to restrict access to a service for an entire branch of business you can disable access at the group level and have the effects cascade to all users in every sub-branch of that group.